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⇒ Download The Other World Stories by John Stewart Wynne edition by John Stewart Wynne Literature Fiction eBooks

The Other World Stories by John Stewart Wynne edition by John Stewart Wynne Literature Fiction eBooks

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Download PDF The Other World Stories by John Stewart Wynne  edition by John Stewart Wynne Literature  Fiction eBooks

Says Details Magazine, “In pages that tremble with beauty, Wynne gracefully reveals the darker side of human possibilities.”

National Book Award winner Paul Monette calls The Other World “a book to handle with asbestos gloves, but well worth the walk through fire.”

Paranoia, psychotic breaks, danger, fear, loneliness, yearning. This acclaimed short story collection, first published by City Lights, is peopled by sociopaths, circus performers, tattooed drifters, cross-dressing teenagers and God-fearing families. Its hallucinatory edge makes the everyday seem like another world.


"The Other World" - A Christian Right family is too busy trying to protect their children from the "danger of homosexuality" to notice the havoc their own son is unleashing in the neighborhood.

"Lights of Broadway" - A prostitute is shaken to find that one of her clients is a violent homophobe.

"Halloween Card" - a Manhattan party of metrosexual hipsters is unexpectedly thrust into the heartland of Puritan America.

"Raphael" - A cross-dressing teenager spends a lonely Christmas at the Plaza Hotel, hoping to win the love of his chauffeur.

"Nameless Thing" - A love triangle explodes in jealousy and revenge at an El Paso circus.

"Vulture" - A drifter plots to murder the witness to the accidental killing of his girlfriend.

The Other World Stories by John Stewart Wynne edition by John Stewart Wynne Literature Fiction eBooks

THE OTHER WORLD is a great collection of stories-but not for the faint of heart. We travel to the edges of the characters' dark, troubled psyches
as they try to come to terms with the madness inside. The tormented dwarf in an El Paso circus...a lonely teenage cross-dresser at the Plaza hotel
who falls for his straight chauffeur...a drifter who kills his girlfriend and must silence an innocent witness. Then there are the psychopaths who
prey upon gays and women in an American landscape full of terror and hatred. And an imaginative social satire showing a confrontation between New
York's uber-hip and the farmers of America's heartland in a cornfield straight out of The Wizard of Oz-complete with tornado! Recommended!

Product details

  • File Size 424 KB
  • Print Length 182 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Untreed Reads Publishing (April 6, 2013)
  • Publication Date April 6, 2013
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B00C917N3K

Read The Other World Stories by John Stewart Wynne  edition by John Stewart Wynne Literature  Fiction eBooks

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The Other World Stories by John Stewart Wynne edition by John Stewart Wynne Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

The review from Booklist promises much. All the subjects mentioned in the review are indeed there, but somehow the author managed to make them much less interesting than they could be. Maybe it really is SOMETIMES funny, but I'd rather read Irvine Welsh's Acid House or Ecstasy.
I loved this book. Wynne has a cool, easy, intelligent, original style, unencumbered by the obvious ego that mucks up so many books. He loves his characters, doesn't sentimentalize or trivialize them, just lets us know what's going on in their heads without judgment, superimposed morality or high-flown drama -- these excellent stories show humanity in all its weirdness, beauty and multi-dimensionality. More, please.
A friend of mine purchased this book at a library for two dollars. Those two dollars are what we like to call "The best worst 2 dollars ever spent". This book is horrible. Horrible in writing, plot, and character development. The things that happen in this book are so overreacted, disgusting, and unnecessary that it deems this book unworthy to read, in fact "The Other World" should be cast into a deep pit. Even then the monsters down there would find it. On that note, it's also really funny in a disgusting, horrible, unredeeming way. Raphael is about an aspiring rich transvestite teen, who has an evil relationship with his limo driver. Halloween Day (or whatever it's called) is about vampires from what I can gather. I forgot some of the other names of the stories, but my favorite one is about a kid who rapes his victims in a variety halloween masks, and then performs a coup d'etat on himself while wearing a rambo mask.

In all, I love this book with a sick passion. I will leave you with the best quote in the book

Is it ever possible to prepare for something that you don't know is coming for you?

Sometimes the most frightening tales are the ones that feel like they could really happen. Everything in this collection sounds like something I could have read about in the local paper. None of the villains were capable of supernatural feats and all of the heroes had moments of uncertainty or hesitation which made following along on their journeys even more rewarding.

The Other World chilled me to the bone from the very first scene. The eerie atmosphere intensified my apprehension about Pete especially as I grew to know more about his proclivities. His parents' inability to see what was really happening only made the situation worsen. I only wish we had more information about how Pete developed this particular hobby as most monsters aren't born that way.

"Nameless Thing" had a fast-paced, attention-grabbing introduction but I never understood what Hilda saw in Elb. His poorly-controlled temper, habitual dishonesty and lack of personal boundaries outshone his positive qualities to such a degree that I had a hard time believing he was the third wheel of the love triangle.

What does it feel like to be emotionally smothered? In "Raphael" we meet a teenager who has tasted just enough freedom to realize what he's missing. This was by far my favorite part of the collection. Kathryn's ability to twist even something as horrifically inappropriate as offering to bathe her teenage son into an example of her motherly devotion sent a shudder down my spine. I only wish I could know what happens to these characters after the climax!

"Lights of Broadway" painted one of the most sympathetic portraits of the relationship between a prostitute and her john that I've ever read. Beth and Val grew up in the same neighbourhood. While he technically does pay her for occasional sex their interactions feel more like what I would expect to see between a pastor and a member of her congregation. Clearly Beth is the voice of reason in this relationship. The question is, will Val listen to her? I changed my mind about the answer to it several times before the answer was revealed.

The creepiest premise by far in this book belongs to "Halloween Card." Sadly, Jane, the narrator, is so influenced by intoxicating substances that I was never quite sure how much of what she described was actually taking place. By the end of it I wondered if Jane was actually hallucinating in a dark bedroom somewhere. I loved the first few scenes, though, and do think this idea would bloom if it was given more time to grow.

"Vulture" is full of imagery that dances back into my thoughts when I'm falling asleep. The people and places that Pat and Davy meet are so vivid I feel as though I've personally experienced them. What didn't make sense to me, though, was exactly how a certain violent scene took place. The narrator skimmed over the details to such an extent that I spent the next several scenes wondering what else he had lied to me about. Eventually I figured out what had probably happened, but it was jarring to not know how trustworthy this particular character was for that length of time.

This is a collection that deserves to be savoured. Several stories were even more engrossing when I read them for the second time, and I expect that they will grow even better my third time around.

The Other World Stories is full of frights that can be found in any home, neighbourhood or culture. We don't need to invent creatures that bump in the night in order the fear the dark. Sometimes human beings are the scariest monsters of all.

Originally posted at Long and Short Reviews
Great book! I got emotionally involved with the characters in each story. It kept me interested all the way through. Not the usual hum-drum stories. I will look for other books by this Author.
THE OTHER WORLD is a great collection of stories-but not for the faint of heart. We travel to the edges of the characters' dark, troubled psyches
as they try to come to terms with the madness inside. The tormented dwarf in an El Paso circus...a lonely teenage cross-dresser at the Plaza hotel
who falls for his straight chauffeur...a drifter who kills his girlfriend and must silence an innocent witness. Then there are the psychopaths who
prey upon gays and women in an American landscape full of terror and hatred. And an imaginative social satire showing a confrontation between New
York's uber-hip and the farmers of America's heartland in a cornfield straight out of The Wizard of Oz-complete with tornado! Recommended!
Ebook PDF The Other World Stories by John Stewart Wynne  edition by John Stewart Wynne Literature  Fiction eBooks

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